Monday, September 30, 2013

Mixed Up Monday

We learned about letter Mm.

We read The Mixed-Up Chameleon!

We were all mixed-up!

We wore mixed up socks and shoes!

We wore our clothes backwards!

We were all mix-matched!

We had a fun Mixed-Up day!

We are learning to read using phonics!

Why is phonics important?

Phonics is a form of reading instruction that helps children form connections between letters and sounds.  Phonics teaches children to use letter sounds to speak, read and write words.  This week in kindergarten we are focusing on letter Mm.  Children need to understand that the letter m stands for the /m/ sound.  Knowing these relationships helps children more accurately read familiar words, analyze words and write words.


Phonics help children decode words on their own, which allows them to read independently with less help.


We are all in different stages of phonics.  Below are some of the stages that will help your child in learning to read and write phonetically.

The Progressing Stages of Phonics

·    Realize that sentences are made up of words.
·    Realize that words can rhyme. Make your own rhymes.
·    Realize that words can be broken down into syllables. Start breaking down words into syllables.
·    Realize that words can begin with the same sound. Practice these first sounds.
·    Realize that words can end with the same sound. Practice these ending sounds.
·    Realize that words can have the same medial sounds. Practice these medial sounds.
·    Realize that words can be broken down into individual sounds. Practice these sounds.
·    Realize that sounds can be deleted from words to make new words. Practice these.
·    Start blending sounds to make words.
·    Start segmenting words into component sounds.

Friday, September 27, 2013

We are Lockhart Lions!  

This week we learned about community helpers!
We love our community and are thankful that we go to school in Lockhart, Texas! 


Hip Hip Hooray! Noli is the super star!
Have a fun weekend with Clifford Noli!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Thanks to all the parents and families who attended Carver's Open House last night!
It was a great turn out.  Parent involvement and support have a great impact on student success.  Thanks for all your continued support and your efforts in helping your child have a successful year in Kindergarten!


Friday, September 20, 2013

Germs Germs Germs

Today Ms. Guenther, our school nurse, talked to us about germs.  
Ms. Guenther had a "YUCKY GERM"!  

 We passed it all around in order to spread the GERMS!

  She had a special light that let us see the germs on our hands.  

We used GERM-X to get rid of all the germs!  

  We know germs are all around us and they can make us SICK!  

We learned ways to keep germs from spreading such as using a tissue to blow our noses, covering our mouths when we need to cough and washing our hands with soap and water.


 Sorting is a lot of fun!

We played a game to sort shapes!

We can sort pattern blocks by shape and color!

We can sort things that are little and big.

We had fun sorting each other this week.
We sorted the boys and girls, by hair color and by the clothes we were wearing.

We had fun sorting skittles by color.  We even practiced reading our color words!

We can sort lots of things!!