Monday, January 26, 2015

Monday, January 19, 2015

Martin Luther King Jr.

Today, we learned about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  We read Martin's Big Words and learned about his life and the dream he had.  We made our very own MLK portraits with important words like...Courage, Dream, Freedom, Love, Peace, Together!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Hillarious Hat Day!

We had a great sunny day!
Wow!  We had some fantastic hats!

We had hats with lights, pom poms, duct tape, bows, pipe cleaners, stickers, etc. etc. etc.

 We have some very creative kids and families!

 Clifford even has a hat!

 Show and Tell was fun!  
Each student had a chance to stand on the "stage" and present their hat!  
We even had a hat parade!

 We wrote about our hats in our first grade journals!  
We are getting great at writing!

Thanks to all the parents who helped their child make a Hilarious Hat!  
We had a blast!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015