Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Field Trip Reminder

Friday, May 13  Field Trip to Zach Theater

-Please make sure your child is at school on time.
-Your child should wear comfortable shoes (tennis shoes) and a Lockhart Lions or Bluebonnet shirt.
-If your child is bringing a lunch from home...please put it in the provided zip-loc bag.  
No lunchboxes.
-You are welcome to meet us at the park!

We are looking forward to a great day!

Important Dates!

May is HERE!

May13- Field Trip to Zach Theater
May 17- Student trips to visit new schools
May 23- Field Day
May 24- Bluebonnet Family Picnic @ 5:30
May 25- 1st Grade Awards Ceremony @1:30
May 30- Memorial Day/NO SCHOOL
June 2- Last Day of School/Half Day