Monday, October 6, 2014

Fire Prevention Week

The Hallettsville Fire Fighters visited our school today!
We learned all about fire safety1

Tips for Fire Safety
  • Working smoke alarms reduce the chances of dying in a fire by nearly 50 percent. They are a critical first step for staying safe, but in order to be effective, they have to be working properly. For the best protection, install smoke alarms on every level of your home and in every sleeping area.
  • Teach kids never to play with matches and lighters. Make a habit of placing these items up and away from young children.
  • Create and practice a home fire escape plan with two ways out of your house in case of a fire. Get a stopwatch and time how fast your family can escape. The kids will love it.
  • Children should know how to respond to the sound of a smoke alarm. Teach them to get low and get out when they hear it. A child who is coached properly ahead of time will have a better chance to be safe.
  • Use common sense in the kitchen. Limit distractions when cooking and don’t leave a hot oven or stovetop unattended          

We learned a lot from the Hallettsville Fire Department!  We learned that firefighters have to wear protective gear to stay safe from the fire.

 The best part was when we got to spray the water hose just like a real fire fighter!


  1. What a fun day! It looks like they had a great time. I love seeing all the smiles.
