Tuesday, November 25, 2014

It's Thanksgiving and we have lots to be thankful for...

Mr. Harris asked us to think about at least three things in which we are grateful for in our lives!

Here goes!

1. My family 2. Friends 3. My Baby Brother


1. My Brother 2. My Mom 3. My Dad

1. My Mom 2. My Baby Brother 3. My Dad

1. My Mom and Dad 2. My Grandparents 3. My Sister

1. My Mom 2. My Dad 3. My Brother

1. My Mom and Dad 2. My Toys 3. Candy

1. My Cousins 2. My Family 3. My Sister

1. My Mom and Dad 2. My Cousin 3. My Aunt

1. My Mom 2. My Dad 3. My Brothers and Sister

1. My Mom 2. My Family 3. My Grandma

1. My Family 2. My Friends 3. My Dad


1. My Mom 2. My Family 3. My Friends

1. My Friends 2. My Cat 3. My Cousins

1. My Mom 2. My Sister 3. My Dad

1. My Friends 2. My Mom 3. My Dad

1 comment:

  1. Love it! We are thankful for you and all the time and effort you put in to teaching our kiddos! You are awesome!
