Monday, November 2, 2015

Miss Spiders Tea Party

We enjoyed reading Miss Spider's Tea Party!

Miss Spider wants to have a tea party. She sets a beautiful table and waits for someone to fly by. She invites ladybugs, ants, bees, and other insects that fly by, but none of them “would dare to share a tea with anyone so spidery.” None of the bugs will have tea with her because they are afraid she is going to eat them, but all she wants is to have a nice tea with friends. After she rescues a rain-drenched moth, unable to fly until he dries out, word spreads of Miss Spider’s friendly intentions. Eleven insects finally join Miss Spider for tea. “Her friends were glad to watch her feast upon the floral centerpiece. It was a great relief to see she ate just flowers and drank just tea.”

We made spider hats with sight words.
We practiced reading our words!

We made a spider with 8 legs and 2 eyes!

It was a special occasion! 
We have lots of "Spidery" friends!
We learned facts about spiders. We know that a spider can have have 8, 6, 4, 2, or No eyes. Spiders have eight legs and belong to the arachnid family. They are NOT insects. Spiders can be very useful as they eat flies and other insects, however, we know to never touch a spider. 
We will only look and observe such unique creatures.

Hoping that everyone had a safe and fun weekend!

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